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Книга Diablo III: The Order - Hardcover Edition (Eng)


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Теги: Diablo III Книга The Order Hardcover Edition

Книга Diablo III: The Order - Hardcover Edition (Eng) ID#939
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Оригінальна назва: Diablo III: The Order

Автор: Blizzard Entertainment

Жанр: Дозвілля та Хобі (Fiction / Fantasy / Epic)
Палітурка: тверда

Мова англійська

Рік виходу: 15.05.2012

Кількість сторінок: 384

Deckard Cain, the last member of a secretive order known as the Horadrim, has pledged to use his knowledge and wisdom to protect mankind from doom. Now, the moment he has long feared may be coming to pass. Dark whisperings have begun to fill the air, rumblings of a demonic invasion set to tear the land apart.

Amid the mounting dread, Cain uncovers startling new information that could bring about the salvation-or ruin-of the world. His quest leads him to an unlikely ally: Leah, an eight-year-old girl feared by many to carry a fiendish curse. Is she dangerous? How is she tied to the prophesied End of Days? Cain must answer these questions and more ... before it is too late.